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Office work games. Office lazy games

If you look into the office at the height of the working day, you see an oil painting - all employees are focused on papers or are looking seriously at computers. They solve important issues, doing their best for the good of the company. To solve a difficult problem, sometimes they call somewhere and listen carefully to what they are told on the other side of the phone. The boss does not have to worry about profit or accountability - his employees work tirelessly to increase productivity, not sparing themselves or others.
At least this is how the situation looks from the outside. But if you want to find out the true picture, start the games Office Lazy. In a playful way, simply and tastefully they will reveal the secret of any office. What seems like hard work is actually a disguise and a bluff.
Talking on phones is about anything but work. They call him to chat with friends, find out the football score, order pizza, and so on. A serious battle of solitaire games, tanks, bomber men and other computer toys is unfolding on the computer, but not working with documents. And if someone is bent over paper with a pencil, he is probably playing in sea battle, words, tic-tac-toe, or makes a shopping list for the holidays.
We have revealed the secret of office everyday life, but this is only the pinnacle, the rest can be found out if you incarnate in one of the heroines of the most ordinary office, playing games at the office.

Sweet bum

Our heroine is quite attractive, but very lazy, and believes that she was born for high aspirations, and not living in an office among the gray mass. But life is cruel, and a woman boss runs everything, who will not tolerate idleness from subordinates.

The strict madam chef wants to catch you for an idle pastime, and you try to outwit her, and instead of boring duties you do something completely different:

  • Dye your eyelashes
  • Apply lipstick to sponges
  • Send letters to girlfriends
  • Drink juice
  • Playing on the computer
  • Call your friends
  • Have a snack
  • Book cinema tickets
  • Iron your dress

If you think about it, the heroine of the game has a mess of office with so many important personal affairs that she does not manage to devote even a few minutes to work. And in vain the boss gets angry, punishing her with monetary fines if she catches her for idleness.

Be stubborn in your behavior

To win a war, you have to win battles. Games Office slacker over the course of many series will instill in you a sense of resistance to everything that is alien to your sophisticated nature. Let others work, and you get paid anyway.
If you get the hang of dodging responsibilities and performing a number of personal affairs, it's time to expand the list of actions. You still have time to fill with something, like playing ping-pong. And if nothing comes to mind yet, you can just sleep right at your desk. Soon you will master the skill of idleness by playing leisure games in the office. By becoming a professional, you can play basketball under the boss's nose, do your hair, communicate with social networks, and make beauty masks.
Do you think this is impossible? You are mistaken, because our heroine has reached the title of idleness guru, and is ready to teach you a lesson during the game of mess in the office how to quietly grow flowers, paint Easter eggs, make and send out valentines, prepare for a date. For all this, a matter of minutes, while the boss is busy with work or scolding someone.

The grass turns green, the sun shines ... And although the first is not entirely true, the approach of spring is acutely felt in the atmosphere of office open spaces. At this time, many clerks are in a playful mood: someone prefers a game of peepers with cute colleagues, while others choose table football ...

Rabota.ru editors decided to compile a kind of entertainment rating for employees, designed to show how pleasant you can spend time at work if you want to escape from your work duties.

Warning: if you use our harmful advice, we are not responsible for the consequences for your career!

1. Computer games

The safest way to forget about work all day. As you immerse yourself in the twists and turns of the events of Grand Theft Auto 5 or Crysis 3, you can develop such useful skills as reducing the time spent on phone calls, the habit of checking emails not once every five minutes, but once a day, and the ability to dodge unnecessary tasks ... Developing these skills is very important, as computer games can consume all of your office hours.

If socialization is very important to you, then you can recommend online games like World of Warcraft, where you can chat with a large number of clerks like you who have gone online with the same goal - to kill working hours.

For office workers who don't want to be out of office for a long time, any flash game, for example, "Kill the boss" or "How to get out of a closed office" will do. Office workers are more likely to find entertainment like Farm Frenzy. Good old Tetris is fine for a five-minute entertainment. The undoubted leader among office workers in 2000 is the Klondike Solitaire.

Pros: the working day will fly by.
Minuses: if the company has a vigilant technical service that monitors what you are doing on the computer, the case may end with a reprimand and then dismissal in accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for repeated gross violation of labor duties by an employee.

2. Board games

If you are concerned about the side effect of red eyes or decreased vision from computer games, board games are more suitable for you. The most popular types are table football and hockey. If you find among your colleagues the same sufferers as you, then you can figure out for four. To do this, you need to chip in a few hundred rubles and purchase everything you need to play. You can even organize a tournament: for this, it will be enough to gather in a closed office, and to the others to announce that you are holding a meeting and not to be disturbed. After that, boldly turn off the phones and cut into the game until you get bored.

Pros: you can have a fun and carefree 3-4 hours at work.
Minuses: special equipment is required.

3. Sports games

Fans of outdoor games can be advised to fish a frisbee, throw darts or throw ping-pong. The first type of entertainment is more suitable for playing outdoors in spring air; throwing darts and playing table tennis are best indoors. The ideal time to play is the first half of the day, before lunch, when you need to whet your appetite. Usually at this time office workers are accustomed to invigorate themselves with morning coffee and complain about their own lack of sleep: outdoor games instead of a traditional coffee machine will have a beneficial effect on your health and increase your efficiency. After a couple of hours of playing ping-pong, you can smoothly move on to such a subtype of social games as the tea ceremony (see below). And so that performance is not wasted, after lunch, do mind games, which are described in the next paragraph.

Pros: you can improve your fitness.
Minuses: you won't be able to play quietly.

4. Mind games

Anecdote on the topic:

The chief says to the secretary: "Helen, gather all the employees for a meeting." Secretary: "By the selector?" Chief: "No, through Odnoklassniki, it will be faster this way!"

Having taken care of your physical development, it's time to move on to mental development. Social media is one of the best games for developing thinking and communication skills. All you need to do this is to create your account in one or several social networks, to make friends and colleagues in the office there, as well as subscribe to the feeds of leading business publications. Chatting with friends and reading the news at the same time, you can also reach incredible heights in the development of critical thinking and the ability to think sanely. Be careful not to be friends with your supervisor, who will see that you are online and, therefore, can give you errands and assign tasks directly from Facebook.

Pros: develops the skill of business communication.
Minuses: you can get carried away with the development of business communication skills and quietly start working.

5. Social games

Mating games can be distinguished as a subspecies of social games. If it becomes completely boring, then you can start an affair with a colleague. If successful, the business may end with a honeymoon trip, where you will definitely take a break from work. In case of failure, you will be busy with your worries, and there will simply be no time left to perform work duties. In any case, you will have something to do.

Another popular form of social gaming is table conversation. As the name suggests, it should take place at the table in the form of tea or coffee. In some cases, a different type of drinking is practiced, but we do not recommend doing it during working hours in order to avoid dismissal in accordance with paragraphs. b item 6 of the already mentioned Art. 81.

Also, in order to avoid negative associations with empty pastime and to give a solemn atmosphere, instead of drinking tea, you can arrange a tea ceremony. If the harsh bosses look in, you can always say that you are experiencing a new system of non-material motivation, and then offer the leadership a seagull.

Pros: drinking tea will save you lunch time, which can be spent on shopping.
Minuses: you can devote an hour to tea drinking, you won't be able to spend the whole working day like that.

In addition to the available types of entertainment in the office described by us, there are other ways to enjoy your work time, here you are limited only by your imagination.

Rabota.ru editors hope that you will not take our advice seriously and will treat them with a sense of humor, which we sincerely wish you!

The office is a real jungle. It is important to have skills that will help you stay afloat in the future, avoid all sorts of intrigues and invariably move up the office ladder. And of course, some of the girls will become secretaries - a craft that is usually given to female representatives. You will need to fill out various papers and receipts, talk with new people and encourage your boss even in those moments when it will be very difficult for him. That is why it is advisable to hone your skills in a virtual way - and online toys are the best for this! And here you can flash games for girls secretary play online and for free now!

Generally speaking, is it hard for a secretary? Partly. For the uninitiated, this is a very long learning process, during which the girl begins to understand the whole essence of the work of a secretary only after many days. Needless to say, of course, it is better to study office sciences in advance - in the future you simply will not have time to practice and gain experience, and your bosses will threaten to be fired every day in case of your rash mistakes. This is another reason why you should play flash games. And yes, this is an incredible experience - in any case, you will learn to communicate with people and you will resolve any conflicts that may follow in your future life. And so you can play the flash right now secretary games for girls online and free!

What else can you say? In flash games, you always have a chance for error. You can gain experience that is so important that you can't find anywhere else. Therefore, flash games are useful for every girl - and not only for the one who will become a secretary. And if you learn office science, it will be doubly useful - then at any time you can go to work as a secretary, even without having a special education for this. And this is also an excellent option.

Secretary play online for free:

Working in a decent company that already has a certain prestige, the boss's secretary should look appropriate. She must have a stylish hairstyle, clean and ...

The secretary's working day is quite busy during the period of seasonal orders. The phone is simply bursting with calls, paper constantly crawls out of the fax, and every computer ...

Sarah is back at work as a secretary. But it's a hot and pleasant summer day outside, and the heroine of the game will soon have a vacation. Therefore, her head is full of summer holidays and ...

Sarah continues to work like a secretary. And yet she often changes her place of work due to the fact that she is engaged in extraneous matters during working hours, and ...

Christmas is close, so Sarah is preparing for it in full. She's going to a Christmas party tonight, but unfortunately she has a lot of work to do and she doesn't ...

A young guy works as a secretary for an ungrateful boss. He promised to arrange a probationary period for him and arranged for him as a secretary, but somehow it is not possible to translate the guy ...

Halloween is approaching, and many people are actively preparing for it. However, the heroine of the game has a strict boss, and she does not let her secretary leave her workplace early, ...