Home / Heating / The first spring flower drawing. Their time has come - spring, and they are ready to give us their beauty, to instill confidence in the soul in the coming heat

The first spring flower drawing. Their time has come - spring, and they are ready to give us their beauty, to instill confidence in the soul in the coming heat

28 of the very first spring flowers with a photo

With the advent of the first flowers in our gardens, real spring begins. These gentle touching creatures that appear earlier than others fill the soul of any gardener with joyful thrill. I offer a selection of flowers that are the very first to awaken after a winter sleep.

1. Snowdrop (galanthus)

This flower is familiar to everyone since childhood. Who does not remember the fairy tale "12 months"? These unpretentious touching flowers with white bell flowers are among the first to appear in early spring. Snowdrops bloom for about a month, tolerate temperature extremes and are not afraid of early spring frosts.

2. Scilla (Scylla)

The scaffold is sometimes called the blue snowdrop, due to the outward resemblance to the latter, and also because it appears as soon as the snow melts. In fact, these are different plants. These blue or blue flowers also do not frighten spring frosts.

3. Hellebore

The name itself suggests that it blooms in the cold. In the south, hellebore blooms in winter, at the end of February. Its frost and snow are not afraid of its buds and flowers.

4. Erantis (spring)

These sunny golden flowers will add mood to a dull spring garden. Erantis also blooms in early spring, in March-April, and is not afraid of frost and snowfall.

5. Primrose (primrose)

There are many varieties of this plant, only a small part of them is grown in culture. In the early spring, primroses bloom profusely and for a long time; in some species, repeated autumn flowering is possible.

6. Lungwort

Lungwort blooms in April-May. It grows well on light, well-moistened soils. After flowering, forms many colorful leaves.

7. Crocus

Bright, low crocus flowers also appear along with the first spring warmth. Crocuses bloom for a short time, only 5-7 days, without transplantation in one place can grow up to 5 years. There are species of crocuses that prefer to bloom in autumn.

8. Periwinkle

The evergreen periwinkle retains its foliage even under the snow. As soon as the soil begins to thaw, it forms new shoots, and in April it is covered with pale blue flowers.

9. Adonis or Campion

Bright yellow, like little suns, adonis flowers appear in the very first fine spring days. They prefer well-lit areas and light fertile soil.

Spring Chistyk appears immediately after the snow melts. Its cute yellow flowers completely blossom only in the bright sun, that is, in the middle of the day, and in cloudy weather and at night they close.

11. The liver

The liverwort is popularly called coppice, because it does not like open places and grows only in the forest. Her elegant, bright blue lush bouquets are so nice to find in the forest after a long winter.

12. Violet

Fragrant violet is a perennial early spring plant. During flowering, its entire aroma is filled with aroma. In the south, if warm long autumn is given out, the violet can bloom again in October-November. And it happens that its flowering continues throughout the winter.

13. Muscari

Muscari or mouse hyacinth is a perennial bulbous plant. Its tiny bell flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences of blue, blue, violet or white, depending on the species. Two-color species of this plant are also found.

14. The flower garden

The spring bloom blooms in April for 20-30 days. The height of the plant is 20-20 cm. At the ends of its white bell flowers, green or yellow spots are clearly distinguishable.

15. Chionodox

Hionodoxa appears in early spring, she is also called the snowy beauty. The leaves of this plant appear simultaneously with the buds. Flowers can be single or collected in small inflorescences. Chionodox is white, blue, blue or pink.

16. Pushkinia

Pushkinia is a grassy bulbous plant 15-20 cm high. The flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences of white or blue color. Blooms in early spring.

17. Corydalis

Unpretentious frost-resistant plant, blooms in early spring. The corydalis reaches a height of up to 20 cm. After flowering, its ground part dies, after which the plant is not afraid of any mechanical impact, nothing to trample it or dig.

18. Iridodictium (iris mesh)

These tiny bulbous irises bloom in April and give off a pleasant aroma. They reach a height of 10 cm. They grow well in sunny areas, but they also tolerate slight shading.

19. Kaluzhnitsa

Kaluzhnitsa is very similar to chistyak, however, these plants still have differences. Foliage persists until October, this is their main difference. Prefers well-moistened marshy soils.

20. Anemone or Anemone

This plant is called anemone because the petals of most species easily fall in the wind. Depending on the species, anemones can bloom in early spring, summer or autumn.

21. Hyacinth

Hyacinth can rightfully be considered a favorite of the spring garden for its spectacular inflorescences and an amazing heady aroma. These plants begin to bloom in April and delight with a rich palette of shades of white, blue, orange, yellow and pink.

22. Hyacinthoid

Another early spring plant. Outwardly, this plant resembles a coppice, but has larger and elongated flowers. There are plants of white, blue and pink flowers. Blooms continuously, up to three weeks

23. Bulbocodium (brandochka)

This is a very beautiful stemless polygon, forms 2-4 surrounded by leaves of a flower. It blooms for two weeks, spreading an entrancing aroma around itself.

24. Brunner (forget-me-not)

Herbaceous perennial up to 40 cm high. This unpretentious frost-resistant plant grows well in the shady corners of the garden. The flowers are small, collected in apical inflorescences. It blooms in May.

25. Tulip

Wild varieties of tulips, unlike their cultural counterparts, bloom much earlier, in April. In total, there are more than 100 species of this plant.

26. Narcissus

This is a perennial plant with a huge variety of varieties and hybrid forms. It blooms from March to June, depending on the species.

27. Grouse

Perennial bulbous plant with large flowers. Blooms in early spring. The hazel grouse got its name for the similarity of the color of the flowers with the feathers of the bird of the same name. The most popular are the hazel grouse and the imperial grouse.

28. Poultry catcher

Bulbous perennial ephemeroid blooming at the same time as undergrowths and snowdrops. White star-shaped flowers are collected in racemose or corymbose apical inflorescences.

To everyone who has glanced, wonderful spring day and sunny mood!

  Kashina Olga Borisovna
  Drawing classes "Spring Flowers"

drawing classes  in the preparatory group " Spring flowers".


1. Enrich knowledge about the world, about flowersgrowing in Russia;

2. To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.


1. Introduce spring flowers snowdrops;

2. To consolidate technical skills gouache painting;

3. Continue to teach children paint flowers, conveying fragility and beauty observing the sequence in the image on paper;

4. Fasten skill paint  pencil all parts flower(stem, petals flower, leaflets);

5. Develop artistic taste, the ability to use a palette to prepare the desired shade colors;

6. To cultivate accuracy, love for the native land.

Material to occupation: illustrations depicting snowdrops, brushes, gouache, simple pencils, a palette, A4 sheets, wipes, water jars, music recordings.

Preliminary work: viewing illustrations, reproductions of paintings with the image colors, conversations about changes in nature in spring, reading and memorizing poems about spring, listening to music by I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons"reading the tale of S. Marshak "Twelve months". Didactic games on the topic.

Methods and techniques:

Practical - painting;

Visual - a selection of plot pictures of snowdrops; consideration

Verbal - conversation.

Differentiated approach: For children of a stronger subgroup, suggest using drawing  2-3 art materials.

Move lessons: The teacher offers the children to solve the riddle.

A beautiful woman walks

Easy to touch the earth

Goes to the field, to the river,

And in the snow, and in a flower.

What is it? Children: Spring.

Educator: Right guys.

The beautiful time of the year has come, when all nature wakes up after winter, green leaves and first leaves appear on trees and shrubs spring flowers!

Please answer the following questions.

After what time of year does spring come?

Name spring months(March April May)

What are the signs of spring.

Children call:

It gets warmer in spring

Snow is melting,

Thaws the soil

Ice melts on the rivers

Sky is blue,

Migratory birds arrive.

Buds appear on the trees, and then the first green leaves.

The first green grass begins to break through.

First appear flowering plants.

(Children fixed the names spring months, clarified the signs of spring).

Educator: That's right well done!

Didactic game “Name it correctly”:

Spring sky (what).

The spring sun (what is he doing).

Birds in spring (what do).

- Spring flowers(what do).

Guys today in this beautiful spring day let's talk about flowers.

(The teacher shows the children a picture of a snowdrop).

Educator: Guys, look at the picture early spring still lies snowball.

And under the snowdrift something is already growing. Children: Snowdrop! CORRECTLY Now listen to the poem:

Put on the post

Most spring at attention,

With his hands down, wearing white gloves,

It's like a snowdrop standing

On a chilled leg.

Educator: This is amazing flower  grows and develops in winter, under a warm snow cover, and in early spring, its light green stem with buds appears from under the snow. In March, snowdrops in bright sunlight bloomwhen there are no leaves on the trees yet. On rainy overcast days the flowers  snowdrops are closed, and their heads are tilted.

Educator: Guys, what do you think is it possible to pluck the flowers? Why? (Answers children)

Yes guys these the flowers, like many others, you need to protect, they are listed in the Red Book and are on the verge of extinction.

Today we are with you guys paint  this gentle and beautiful flower.

Educator: and now fun workout

Grow in the meadow the flowers

Unprecedented beauty (spread their arms to the sides).

Reaching for the sun the flowers

Reach out with them and you (hands up).

The wind blows sometimes

Only it does not matter (waving, depicting the wind).

Bend over flowers,

Lower the petals (slopes).

And then they get up again

And still are blooming. (children sit at the tables)  The teacher asks the children to describe the snowdrop (thin stalk, white and blue oval petals, elongated soft green leaves). Then the children examine the phased painting  snowdrops Educator After winter, the first snowdrops to appear from under the snow. Draw them. Note that the flowers  snowdrops inclined to the ground. Begin paint  on the picture with oval circles, it will be snowdrop flower, from it we draw a line down, it will be a stalk. Now in detail draw  snowdrop petals Draw  the stem and leaves Now all that remains is to colorize the snowdrop. Independent activity of children Finger gymnastics OUR WHITE FLOWERS(HANDS FOLDED IN BUTON)  Flower petals (alternately disconnect fingers)  They reach for the sun (shake her clasped hands - fingers protruding like rays of the sun)  Spring rejoice (spread your arms to the sides - sway from side to side)  Independent activity of children

At the end lessons  children show drawings and tell why they decided draw this particular flower  and what new did they learn?

Drawing snowdrops using unconventional drawing techniques for children 5-7 years old

  Botyakova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, teacher of MDOU Krasnoborsky d / s "Spikelet" s. Krasny Bor, Nizhny Novgorod region
Material Description:  The master class will be useful to teachers of preschool education and parents with the aim of developing the creative abilities of children. This material is suitable for carrying out visual activities with children of the older group.
Appointment:  interior decoration, a wonderful gift for loved ones, and can also be used as a product for the exhibition.

Purpose:  execution of a spring landscape using unconventional drawing techniques.

  - to form the ability to create, using non-traditional drawing techniques, an image of snowdrops.
  - develop a sense of composition, the ability to notice and reflect in the drawing the beauty of nature;
  -develop fine motor skills of the fingers;
  - develop the creative abilities of children;
  - educate independence, accuracy.

Snowdrop is the first breath of spring. It got its name for the ability of a plant to break out of the ground and bloom with the first warm spring rays of the sun when the snow melts a little. Translated from Latin meaning "milk flower". Probably, the gentle snow-white color of the snowdrop was reflected in this name.
  There are many legends about snowdrops. One of them says that when God expelled Adam and Eve from Paradise, there was winter on earth and it was snowing. Eve froze and began to cry. She sadly recalled the warm paradise gardens. To comfort her, God turned several snowflakes into snowdrop flowers. So the first flowers on Earth, perhaps, were snowdrops.
  According to another Russian legend, once the old woman Winter with her companions Frost and Wind decided not to let Spring come to earth. But the bold Snowdrop straightened up, spread its petals and asked for protection from the Sun. The sun noticed a fearless flower, warmed the earth and opened the way to Spring.

  The Snow Maiden was crying,
  Seeing the winter away.
  She walked behind her sad
  Everyone in the forest is a stranger.
  Where I walked and cried
  Touching birches
  Snowdrops have grown -
  Snow Maiden
Timofey Belozerov

  - gouache;
- album sheet;
  - brushes;
  - coarse salt.

Sequence of execution:
  Take a landscape sheet of paper, arrange vertically. To tint the sheet, we soak it with water and shade the paint from saturated blue to blue on it with a brush.

  With a thin brush we draw the stems of future snowdrops and grass. It is difficult for children to draw immediately with a brush, so you can draw all this beforehand with a simple pencil.

  We draw the leaves of snowdrops.

  When the paints dry, you can start drawing the buds of the snowdrops themselves with white gouache. You need to draw quickly so that the paint does not have time to dry.

  Sprinkle with coarse salt.

  Shake off the salt.

  Using a poke method, apply snowball and sprinkle with salt, shake.

  The picture is ready.
  It remains to issue it in a frame.

There are a lot of primroses in our area. Favorite gardeners have become most of them. But only a small list adorns almost every garden in our country. And this is no accident, because they are the best of the best, tested by time and our ... laziness. Alas, alas ... Most flowers require care, and this is not always enough time.

Therefore, only the most unpretentious remained on the sites. Many of them  are bulbous, and therefore winter well, and are the first to start growing, and look spectacularly due to the formation of beautiful curtains.

With what primroses are the most “comfortable” in the garden decided. The next question is their landing.


The method of planting depends on the height of the plants and the method of their reproduction. Now we are not talking about how to plant a plant in the ground (more on that later), we are talking about the most optimal and beautiful design of the garden for each particular species.

Fragrant violet  fairly quickly spreads over the earth's surface with a thick carpet.

She loves humidity and thanks for choosing the right place with two-time flowering - in early spring and autumn.

  Under natural conditions, it spreads along the turf with a rug.

  In the flower garden, it often forms a flowering hummock.

Grouse  chess and white bloom before their "noble" counterparts.

Thanks to active self-sowing, your garden glade will once all be covered with such overturned glasses.

Considering that the hazel grouse breeds and dividing the bulbs, a fairly dense curtain can grow from one.

This is a bulbous primrose, which, like all of this category of plants, after flowering, loses its decorative effect.

Hellebore - an amazing flower that begins to bloom in the winter, under the snow. This is an evergreen perennial with inflorescences large enough for primroses.

In gardening, three types are popular: black, eastern and, sorry, smelly. A lot of varieties, including terry varieties, were created on their basis. And what are the colors!

To make hellebore beautiful flower bloom, be sure to plant it in a light shade, for example, under a bush.

And try not to transplant it for about 10 years. During this time, a rather large curtain will develop, which will become the most important decoration of the yard, which is still snowy, but ready for the spring.

Caution, poisonous!

Dream grass, backache, and in my Siberian childhood he was called a snowdrop. How nice these velvety flowers are against the backdrop of dried grass ... And how large they are for their growth!

For some reason, I believed that this flower is only one color - pale lilac. But in reality, the color palette is much richer: white, purple, pink ...

In nature, grows on the dry edges of pine forests. It spreads easily self-seeding, therefore it forms quite extensive flowering glades.

  The leaves remain until the fall, so there is no problem with the loss of decorativeness.

Lumbago juice can cause irritation!

He is beautiful in any corner of the garden, but looks especially advantageous next to the stone texture.

Galanthus  rather unobtrusive white flower. Therefore, in a single version it looks more than modest.

But after a few years, thanks to the division of the bulbs, it forms a neat curtain. It can be placed near an alpine hill or near a garden path.

But a large number of such curtains can merge into a carpet, spread out at the foot of the garden.

Scaffold  blooms simultaneously with galanthus. This flower in nature grows in the forest, and therefore it is better to choose a place for it among shrubs and trees.

The clumps of wood form quite loose. Flowers are even smaller than snowdrops. Therefore, the most advantageous sprouts look in a large company of their own kind, collected in a small area and, preferably, against the background of coniferous shrubs.

Marsh marigold, although it is called specifically, it can actually grow both in shallow water and simply in places with high humidity.

In the garden she is given a place under the canopy of deciduous trees. Indeed, for flowering, the plant needs light, but under spring conifers it cannot be found.

In the summer, in the shade of the trees, the earth remains moist and the kaluzhnitsa, in conditions comfortable for it, spreads around the garden with a green carpet.

Caution, poisonous!

Crocuses  fill a large space somewhat faster than galanthus. But they have one feature. Flowers of different shades planted in one place (and they are white, yellow, purple, pale lilac, blue with white veins) will become pollinated over time and one population will supersede all others.

Therefore, I recommend immediately planting in one place only one species of crocuses, while others should be placed at a sufficient distance. Crocuses love the sun and open towards the celestial body with bright stars. In partial shade, the flowers will be only slightly half open.

It quickly forms curtains and is good on an alpine hill, in rutaria, as a border plant, and over the years it can grow into a continuous carpet  piercing blue.

It can be safely planted in the spring mixborder, thanks to its color, a bright jacket will not be lost against the background of other plants.

This flower loves the sun, but can come to terms with light shading.

Hyacinth, regardless of variety, has one flowering period (plus or minus a week). Inflorescences of broad-leaved hyacinth, found in nature, are quite modest, and garden varieties bribe with their splendor.

Do not chase superdecorative varieties - not all of them are able to survive more than one season, as they are bred specifically for spring distillation in pots. All hyacinths are good both in small uniform flower beds, and in spring mixborders.

Yellow early daffodil   has, perhaps, the smallest inflorescences among congeners. But it blooms before everyone else, but it looks elegant and elegant. This moderately modest species flower gives a sunny and bright mood. Exactly what you need in the spring flowerbed.

By the way, it is better to plant daffodils in a special way: large families that periodically alternate against the backdrop of the lawn. Only one variety and no competitors nearby.

Iris net  at a low height (only 15 cm) it can surprise you with the beauty of the flower and its bright color (bright blue, dark purple, purple, vitamin yellow).

This iris is not like everyone else, it is bulbous, blooms in the first warm month of the year and may be lost against the background of larger primroses. Therefore, in the company they choose a modest and short scented violet, creeping juniper, a green background from boxwood, white galanthus jackets planted a little at a distance.

Able to delight you with flowering from early spring to the end of May. No, it is not a long flowering, but a variety of species.

The right combination of varieties can provide your garden with uninterrupted flowering. At the same time, it will be possible to opt for tulips only. Indeed, against the background of a lawn awakening from hibernation, they look simply luxurious.

The tulip is perhaps the only one of the primroses that requires care, because it should be dug up at least once every three to four years, otherwise it will simply "translate". However, there are varieties that this disaster does not threaten. They are actively distributed by self-seeding, however, they are not so luxurious.

If you want to create an unpretentious spring meadow in the garden, then plant a Turkestan and late tulip on it.


Perhaps no other plants cause as much emotion as. Spring teases with the first truly warm rays of the sun, the first thawed places and timid streams, but it is the primroses that appeared, these small, but very bold plants speak of the final arrival of spring.

Perhaps primroses do not please with a special richness of colors or the duration of flowering, but almost all of them are very undemanding in care. It is important only in the fall to choose the right place for landing for them. Primroses (both bulbous and rhizome) prefer places with good lighting and moist soil, but without stagnation of water. If bulbous primroses, in order to please them with flowering in spring, it is necessary to plant in autumn (exception - hyacinths  and crocuses), then hellebore or medunica can be planted in the spring.

Advice! Primrose plants must be planted in company with perennialsthat will replace them after flowering.

Let us consider in more detail which flowers are the first to fill the garden with flowering after hibernation.


  • Other name - galanthus  . A very cold-resistant plant that appears in the garden has just snowed. In spring, it blooms one of the first, even frosts can not greatly damage flowering.

Snowdrop, like other types of small bulb, is not picky about the soil, but prefers loose, moist, nutritious soil, well-drained, with the stagnation of water, the bulb dies. The best place to plant is under the trees, under the bushes, which in early spring do not create a dense shade.

Advice! Watering is required only if the winter was not snowy and the spring is very dry.

Snowdrop is an ephemeroid; the aerial part of the plant dies off after a short vegetative period. Propagated by bulbs-children, the best period for transplanting is July-September.


Another flowers that many associate with spring, although they are considered to be forest dwellers, where blooming spills form sky-blue lakes in the glades. But these spring primroses will find their place in the garden - in rockeriesAlpine roller coaster. Blue spills on the lawn will look great, among the still bare bushes and trees.

The Siberian spelling is best known in our country - it blooms in late March, it is easy to recognize by its piercing blue bell-shaped flowers. But varietal species are much more diverse - they can be white, blue, purple and even pale pink.

Scallops are bulbous perennials, non-whimsical and independent plants, the best place for which will be the canopy of the orchard, with loose and fairly fertile land. They reproduce very well, both self-sowing and dividing the bulbs, and can grow comfortably in the same place for decades. They are sufficiently winter-resistant, but it is better to cover the place where they grow for the winter with an armful of foliage.


The first (it may even be the end of February) are botanical species blooming, later - in April - numerous crocus hybrids. The best thing crocuses  look in a group - this makes their bright colors even more expressive and noticeable. You can both combine different types of crocuses, and combine them with other primroses.

Crocuses look especially expressive against the background of stones, the contrast of delicate flowers and strict boulders looks decoratively, which is why these spring flowers are invariably planted in. Crocuses look great on the lawn, but it should be noted that it will be possible to start mowing the grass only after the leaves have completely withered.

Advice! Spring blooming crocuses are planted in the fall, while they feel equally good both in the sun and in the shade, but in sunny areas the flowering will be more plentiful and the flowers brighter. Like other bulbs, they prefer loose and permeable soils, with water stagnation, the bulbs rot.

Care is minimal, there is no need to dig crocuses annually for the winter. Wilted flowers are removed so that they do not spoil the beauty of the composition. In winter, their place of growth can be mulched with foliage or compost. Crocuses, like other bulbs, are propagated by daughter shoots-bulbs - after planting one, their dense nest will appear in this place in 2-3 years.

Advice! If you want crocuses to bloom early - plant them in the sunniest place, where the snow will come off first.


These flowers are also called irises-snowdrops, they bloom in early spring, as soon as the snow comes off. These are frost-resistant bulbous perennials, although in appearance they resemble ordinary irises. They are short, but very attractive and elegant, with bright colors of the original color (pale blue, violet, blue, cyan, magenta, red, orange) with a diameter of 5 to 7 cm, with a fancy ornament of spots and stripes on the petals.

On a note! Due to their small (up to 10 cm) growth, they are perfect for stony gardens; at the time of flowering (March-April) they will make an excellent company for other bulbs. On a lawn it is better to plant them in a group, in a single landing it will be too inconspicuous.

Caring for iridodictium almost completely repeats caring for tulips. They love light, well-drained, nutritious soils, but the main thing is that they are very sun-loving, it is very important to consider this when choosing a place to plant. For the summer, it is better to dig the bulbs, the main sign for this is the leaves that have begun to die. They are planted simultaneously with tulips, in early autumn. The best way to reproduce is vegetative, one adult bulb usually gives 1-2 substitutes.


  • The origin of this name is a translation from the Latin name - Eranthis (Erantis) , which means "spring" and "flower".

Often these are the very first spring flowers that are even ahead of frost-resistant snowdrops. Single flowers (yellow, cup-shaped, not more than 3 cm in diameter) sometimes just make their way through the snow, accompanied by elegant bronze-green leaves. Flowering lasts about 2 weeks.