Home / Water supply / Beautiful country house with an attic. Projects of houses with an attic and a terrace

Beautiful country house with an attic. Projects of houses with an attic and a terrace

Beautiful designs of attic houses: photo, catalog

Projects of attic houses in our catalog can be built from foam concrete, gas blocks, bricks, ceramic blocks. We recommend adapting the attic house project before purchasing to your site and climatic zone - this will guarantee the durability and high quality of construction!

Attic house project plans: advantages

Attic house plans remain relevant in 2017 due to their rationality. If you decide which project to buy at home, choosing between a one-story, attic and two-story house - a house with an attic is the best and best option. Its advantages are that:

  • The layout of the attic houses makes them warmer than one-story and two-story: you will not heat the attic in winter in vain.
  • Its turnkey construction will cost less than a one-story and two-story residential building of the same area (ceteris paribus). Since, on the same foundation, under the same roof, a house with an attic will have a larger area than a one-story one. For its construction less materials are needed than for a two-story cottage, which will significantly reduce the cost estimate.
  • The length of communications in a house with an attic will be less than in a one-story building.
  • On the site, it will occupy less space than a one-story house.

Layout of the projects of attic houses: features

In order for a private house with an attic to be comfortable and convenient, you need to carefully consider its features.
So, for example, by changing the angle of the roof, the height of the attic wall, using false walls inside the attic, choosing the right furniture and design of the attic houses, you can make it even more comfortable, turn it from an awkward, angular room into a cozy, original nest. To do this, it is better to seek the help of experienced architects and designers. If necessary, our specialists in the design department will be able to make all the changes indicated in the selected house plan with attic if necessary.
For the most part, our typical designs of houses with an attic provide for an attic wall height of 1 m - 1.2 m, which is an optimal, convenient option. In order for the attic floor not to be “stuffy”, the ventilation system must be properly designed in it. It must be remembered that dormers give more light than lucerns. Although lucarnas best emphasize the cozy character of the attic floor.
Be sure to remember that not every private one-story house can be turned into an attic. For this, the design of such a house should initially take into account many parameters of the ceiling, rafter structures, roofing cake, and others, designed for the future attic floor.

Projects of houses made of foam concrete blocks, which can be viewed in the catalog, can also be implemented from ceramic blocks, aerated concrete, and other stone materials.

When purchasing individual and standard architectural projects of attic houses in our company at average market prices, customers receive detailed design documentation, which includes 5 sections: structural, architectural and three engineering (water, electricity, ventilation and heating). We draw your attention to the fact that the cost of the engineering section is 20% of the price indicated on the site. Below you can see an example of a project of an attic house.

Projects of attic houses, photos, videos, sketches, drawings and diagrams of which are placed in this section, are protected by copyright and guarantee developers legal security during the construction of houses according to the projects of our company. The certificate posted on the website confirms that our company is the official representative of the international architectural bureau Z500.

We offer you to watch a video selection of popular attic projects:

First you need to figure out what an attic is and how it differs from an attic. Both of these rooms in the house are located under the roof. Many often confuse them, because they do not see the difference. The attic floor is the last in the house, it is located directly under the roof, but is designed for people at any time of the year. It is necessarily insulated, supplied with electricity, water and heating. The facades of the attic and attic are fully or partially formed by the roof. The main difference between the premises from the second or third floor in a cottage or a country house is the height of the walls. It means the distance from the floor to the intersection of the facade with the roof. It should not exceed 1.5 m, according to the conditions prescribed in SNiP. If the height is a little more, then this is a full floor.

Attic - cold, non-residential premises. It can be equipped for summer vacations, but it is not possible to winter in such a room. Usually in the attics there are storages for unnecessary things. However, the practice of storing junk gradually fades away. If the room is intended for the location of communications, boiler room, engineering equipment, then the attic is called the technical floor. They are more common in apartment buildings. Another important difference between the attic and the attic is the presence of large windows, sometimes even built into the roof. For non-residential premises, lighting is not very important. Projects of houses with an attic can be purchased ready-made at design bureaus. The only way to get a free plan is to prepare it yourself, which will require a certain amount of knowledge. Let's talk about the design features of the attic floors, options for their arrangement and popular styles that embody under the roofs of houses.

Features of the attic floors

The project of a house with an attic is ideal for those who want to use the building area to the maximum. In this regard, the additional living space is similar to the basement. In the past, basements were used exclusively for storing trash and placing equipment. Now in socles equip game rooms, home cinemas, garages, saunas or laundries (as in typical American homes). It is impossible to build an attic without a blueprint. Everyone can really cope with the construction work, although here they often turn to companies that practice turnkey construction of facilities. But it’s right to make calculations of the loads on the foundation, to consider the location of all structural elements, to calculate the consumption of materials, only a professional can do, who has behind him experience and specialized knowledge.

Before construction, several outline sketches are prepared - in section and from different points of view, and at the same time indicate the scale. The drawing must mark the location of window openings, stairs, entrance, communication lines, indicate the shape and indicate the size. The most popular configuration among the attics is rectangular or square. A simple task seems only in words. Getting down to business, the layman is lost and does not even know where to start. The attic attracts an abundance of light and fresh air. Its outer “box” includes two components:

  • Vertical (gable) walls. They are usually made of the same material as the facade of the house, since they are its logical continuation.
  • Inclined wall (side). It "begins" with a vertical surface (attic wall), and then its roof frame serves as its frame. The roof acts as the outer skin of the ceiling. To increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic, change the angle of the roof and increase the height of the attic walls.

In wooden log houses, vertical walls are constructed of wood. If the building is brick, then a brick is used for the attic. Sometimes vertical walls are sheathed with decorative materials to match the rest of the facade. This is necessary in cases where it is necessary to update the exterior in order to fit it into the landscape design of a summer cottage, or when the structure itself has a plain appearance. For example, it was erected from expanded clay concrete, gas silicate, expanded clay, slag blocks or gas blocks. Such materials have an unattractive appearance and are necessarily masked under a layer of finish. For these purposes, use granite, siding, decorative panels "brick" or stone. Sometimes outside the walls are trimmed with wood. The material looks very nice, but less practical than the more durable counterparts. An obligatory condition for the arrangement of the attic is warming. Part of the task of preserving the heat in the room is assigned to the decorative lining, which protects the walls from the outside. Inside, they are closed with heat and vapor barrier, between the layers of which are placed mineral wool, polystyrene. Then they carry out communications and carry out finishing. Next, the design and distribution of the functional areas on the attic, furniture placement, decoration comes into play.

There is still such a thing as a half-attic. This is originally a residential floor, which is combined with a roof. The design has an expressive architecture and original appearance. The semi-attic floor is also used for permanent residence. The height of its walls does not exceed 0.8 m.

Advantages and disadvantages of attic houses

The attic floor has both a number of advantages and a small list of disadvantages. The pluses include the following aspects:

  • If the arrangement of the attic was not originally included in the plans during the construction of the house, then due to it the living space can be increased even without leaving the boundaries of the cottage or cottage. The construction will go on its own, and the rest of the rooms can still be operated, that is, the construction is carried out independently. This practice is quite common when the family grows, and housing becomes too crowded over time. This, perhaps, is the main advantage of the additional mezzanine.
  • Properly equipped attic will help reduce heat loss of the building. This will lead to lower loads on the heating system and more economical energy consumption.
  • The original architectonics of the ceiling is ideally suited to unusual modern directions, where the configuration is the basis of the composition.
  • The best insolation. Since the attic is a priori higher than any other room in the house, it receives more light. If the windows are built into the roof, then the sun's rays enter the room directly even at noon.
  • The attic opens up great opportunities for planning rooms. Initially, the floor does not have internal walls, so the decision on the placement of rooms, their sizes (width and length) is made only by the owners of the house. The layout does not require demolition of partitions or significant changes. You can create zoning literally from a "clean slate".
  • Good ventilation. The height at which the attic is located promotes rapid air exchange.

The disadvantages include the following factors:

  • Need for conditioning in hot summers. The roof heats up very quickly and gives off heat to the attic, located closer to the rest of the rooms. Unfortunately, in hot weather, in the absence of air conditioning, there will be a real “steam room”, as in a bathhouse.
  • Some psychologists believe that without a traditional “even” ceiling over their heads, many people may experience discomfort. The complex architecture of a sloping roof looks very unusual and beautiful, however, excessive piling up of parts can indeed cause irritation over time. The configuration is easily corrected with a special finish, decor, color scheme.
  • The high cost of special skylights, which will have to be bought for spacious rooms, where some openings on the gables will not be enough.
  • With errors in construction, decoration, thermal insulation, you can get a "cold" attic, which even the most powerful heating boiler will not save in the winter.
  • Accumulation of snow in the winter season on the windows of skylights, which will create an obstacle for light to enter the room.
  • No type of sound insulation can completely exclude rain “rustles” - the sounds of the droplets colliding with the roof. Moreover, it does not matter what type of coating is selected (soft or hard). Although psychologists believe that the noise of water has a healing, calming effect, sometimes it can be very annoying.

By the way, another advantage can be considered simplicity when placing a fireplace or stove. Stove heating can also be considered as an option. This will save on the consumption of other resources (gas, electricity) and create comfortable conditions in the attic in the winter with the help of "live fire" from coal or firewood.

Attic floor device

To correctly plan, you must consider a number of the following factors:

  • Living space. Its dimensions directly depend on the type of roof. Some species create too many zones that cannot be used appropriately. The most economical option is the hip roof. Its rafter system, in contrast to the gable, allows you to use every meter of the attic without "blind" zones.
  • Budget. If it is very modest, then you have to be content with a shed roof, since it belongs to the cheapest options.
  • Snow and wind load. Precipitation should freely slide off the roof, and not accumulate on it. In this case, bias matters. If it is calculated incorrectly, then precipitation will create an additional load on the roof, which it may not be able to withstand.
  • Choosing the right material for the rafter system. Many mistakenly believe that wood falls under the taboo. In fact, SNiP allows the use of wood if it has been pre-processed properly. Here, the condition regarding the maximum building height is also observed - no more than 75 m, that is, increased number of storeys. Of course, for private households such figures are considered sky-high. On average, even for every three-story house, there are more than twenty ordinary one-story buildings.
  • The condition of the foundation and facade. It takes into account not only the material from which the house was built, but also the terms of its operation, additional loads, general appearance (the presence of cracks or other damage). Based on this, choose a certain rafter system and material for the roof.
  • Loads on the walls of the house and the foundation. Some types of roofs (single-pitched) distribute loads unevenly, that is, one side of the building may need to be further strengthened. Without knowledge in this area, it is easy to make a mistake that threatens to turn into a collapse.

All these nuances are necessarily taken into account when designing the attic. Extra floors with bay windows or terraces look luxurious. In the second case, the home has access to the open air overlooking the courtyard, reliably protected by a canopy. Such verandas are sometimes glazed. Bay windows often follow similar protrusions on the lower floors in shape.


The truss truss is the core system on which the roof rests. In fact, this is the “backbone”, the skeleton of the attic, on which the layers of roofing, thermal insulation, communication lines, and interior decoration are “put on”. The rafter farm consists of a number of components, the competent combination of which allows you to evenly distribute the loads on the bearing walls of the house:

  • Mauerlat. It is a log or bar, which is laid on a supporting wall. In fact, this is the "foundation" of the truss truss.
  • Skate and side runs. These are beams that are located horizontally. The first is placed directly under the ridge, and the rest is slightly lower, perpendicular to the rafter “legs”.
  • Braces, struts, diagonal connections - a system of communicative elements.
  • Raised and hanging rafters.

Since the loads on the attic roof are quite large, the rafter truss should have a margin of safety. It provides a high-quality connection between the individual components of the system. Most often, bolts, screws, welding or the groove-comb type are used for these purposes. The frame scheme of the truss truss is selected depending on the type of roof, which will cover the attic floor. Also take into account the distance between the outer load-bearing walls. If it does not exceed the value of 6.5 m, then choose layered rafters. In other cases, resort to hanging supports. They are mounted on a tightening and on a Mauerlat. If necessary, the design is reinforced with additional connecting links.

Roof construction

The shape of the attic directly depends on the type of roof. The additional floors themselves can be rectangular, broken, triangular, asymmetric. Attic can be located above the whole house or only above its part. Roofs, depending on the form, are classified into the following types:

  • Slippery.
  • Gable.
  • Three-slope.
  • Dome (conical, pyramidal).
  • Four-pitched.

Attic roofs and domes are very rare due to the complex architecture. The former were popular back in tsarist Russia, when the refined home decoration was an indicator of the wealth of the family. Domes are a very complex structure with a no less “intricate” truss truss. Under round roofs made of transparent materials, greenhouses in rich mansions used to be hidden. Judging by the sophistication of architecture, such a roof is a grandiose structure, impressive and eye-catching. From a material point of view, such construction will be very expensive, and therefore not always justified. Four-slope are classified into four subspecies:

  • Hip.
  • Tent.
  • Half-hip
  • Hip-gable.

The tented horse is completely absent. The attics under the roofs of the three remaining species have broken architectonics, which are not so pronounced as in gable roofs. For this reason, this nuance can be attributed to advantages, not disadvantages.

Single slope

The design of a shed roof is considered the simplest. The roof is fixed on the bearing walls at an angle. Such a roof architecture is concise and even borders on primitivism. For single-slope options, the angle of inclination is of great importance. If it is calculated incorrectly, then precipitation will accumulate, and the load on the roof will increase. Attic under the pitched roofs do not equip so often. The room will have an asymmetric shape due to the different heights of the opposite walls. But windows that look in the same row very neatly and consistently are easily integrated into the shed roof.


Gable or gable roofs are quite simple to install and are considered a classic option for arranging attic floors. As the name implies, such structures have two slopes that intersect at the top and abut the ridge. Both planes "look" in different directions. Gable roofs are classified into three subspecies:

  • Symmetric. The ramps diverge at the same angles and are mirror images of each other. The pediment has a simple configuration of an isosceles triangle, and the ridge is located in the center of the structure.
  • Asymmetrical. The ridge of such roofs is offset relative to the conditional center of the house. Slopes are of equal length. Sometimes they are also called: roofs "with a displaced ridge."
  • With broken ramps. This type of roof was specifically designed for attics and attics. Broken slopes allow you to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof space.

The most popular version of a gable roof is “convex” with broken ramps. The ridge is located strictly in the center, and the pediment has the shape of an irregular but symmetrical pentagon.

Roof choice

The assortment of roofing materials is truly amazing. If earlier they used to do with traditional slate laid on roofing material, now at the average person eyes run up at the sight of a wide choice. Depending on the stiffness, the materials are classified into two types:

  • Soft (shingles).
  • Hard (slate, metal).

When choosing the material also pay attention to the configuration of the roof. For complex, broken structures, not every type of roof will fit. The most durable and beautiful option will be natural tiles, which are made of clay by firing. The material will be very expensive, but the service life - more than 150 years - fully pays for the cost. The second place in popularity is shared by asbestos-cement slate and metal tile. The first is a mixture of a cement base with asbestos reinforcing fibers. Although many competitors have emerged in recent years, it still holds a leading market position. Slate may be flat or wavy. Its classic color is gray, but some manufacturers paint the material in bright colors. The average life of a slate is 30 years. Metal - an imitation of the same name ceramic material made of galvanized steel, which is coated with a protective polymer film on both sides. The texture and colors of the material imitate the original in detail. The average life of a metal tile is 15 years. It is fireproof, easy to install, durable and inexpensive. Ondulin, corrugated board (corrugated steel sheets) and piece composite, shale, bitumen, cement-sand tiles are slightly less popular. For roofs of complex configuration, it is better to use soft roofing material.

Windows and methods of opening them

On the attic floors, they use both ordinary vertical windows (built into the gables) and special inclined windows. They are located on the roof. Windows are called “dormers”. In the literal sense of the word, they look “at the sky” and give an indescribable feeling during rain or on starry nights when you can fall asleep while admiring the magnificent landscape. Distinguish them by type of opening. The usual swivel or tilt-and-turn mechanism in skylights does not occur. The exception will be only "hatches" in the roof. Due to the specifics of the arrangement (at an angle), such double-glazed windows are often equipped only with folding or sliding systems. Panoramic windows located on the gables look luxuriously in the attics. There are also miniature "balconies" equipped with a folding mechanism. They open access to a small porch with a fence, a kind of mini-terrace.

The process of building your own home in a separate area is not only a labor-intensive process, it also requires clear planning. It is necessary to think over literally everything, starting from a clear idea of \u200b\u200bexactly what the house will be, to little things like nails that will be used in the construction and repair.

Starting to work out the plan, it is necessary to determine first of all the number of storeys of the house, as well as the location of the main functional premises. Often the choice stops on one-story houses, and here the question already arises, due to which it is possible to increase the area. So the choice falls on single-storey houses with an attic, which expands the living functional area, and also adds sophistication to the house.

Do not forget that the attic device does not require large financial investments, it is enough to plan a gable roof.

Features and Benefits

Choosing a project for a cottage or a village house is not an easy task. But if the choice was made in favor of a house with an attic, it must be remembered that such a house, like any other, has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account in the process of construction and interior decoration.

The most important aspect that you need take into account when constructing the attic, this arrangement of increased thermal insulation of the room. You must first look at various designs of houses with an attic.

Since the living room of the attic is located directly under the roof itself and is not protected by additional beams and ceilings, as is the case with the construction of an additional floor. At the same time, the roof is in direct contact with the external environment, it experiences temperature changes and natural changes. No one wants rain, snow or cold winds blowing in the room. That is why the issues of thermal and waterproofing of the room will play one of the leading roles in the arrangement of a house with an attic.

Also, attic houses have the following feature: most often it is a single space, not dividing into separate rooms. If separation is necessary, it is important to use only lightweight materials. You can install drywall partitions, in no case use concrete or bricks for the construction of impromptu walls, this can adversely affect the entire structure of the house.

You can diversify the room with the help of windows mounted in the roof. Such windows will be inclined structures, which will give not only an interesting visual effect, but also allow the rays of the sun to penetrate into the room at an interesting enough angle and create interesting effects.

Given all the features, houses with an attic are gaining more and more popularity indicators. Today, such houses can be found in large cottage villages, and in private sectors in cities, as well as in villages and individual points, even in gardens.

Attic houses have a number of undeniable advantages that make them so popular:

  • The use of the attic as part of the living space increases the living area and usable space of the building in most cases at least one and a half times. At the same time, there is no need to spend a tidy sum on the design and construction of the second floor, while receiving almost the same area.

  • Summing up all the necessary communications, whether it be pipelines or electrical supplies, will not require huge labor costs. All this can be easily lifted from the lower floor.
  • Since the attic has additional heat and water insulation, cold air is prevented from entering the ground floor, which could occur when using the upper part of the house as an attic without additional insulation.

  • If the house is already ready, but it occurs to the tenants to complete the attic, another plus of this design appears. It is not at all necessary to move to the time of repair and free the entire room from furniture and interior decoration, because the repair work will not affect the first floor, they will be carried out exclusively in the attic, affecting the roof.
  • The built-up space can be easily used not only as a living room, as a room, but also turn it into a gym, billiard room, library, cinema or come up with your own special purpose for this space.

However, for all the advantages of such a building, one should not forget about the existing disadvantages of this type of building. Knowing these nuances will help not only to keep the house intact and get important functional space, but also to protect yourself and loved ones during use.

  • During construction, you should not save on materials: poor-quality or incorrectly selected during the construction and finishing process, they can lead to negative consequences, up to the collapse of the structure.

  • Also, do not overload the floor, which is why heavy walls, partitions and coatings are not erected here. It is also not necessary to use too massive furnishings, this can also lead to the destruction of load-bearing structures.
  • It is also worth remembering: despite the fact that the attic is a much less expensive undertaking than the second floor, the use of slanted windows built into the roof in the construction will still require a fairly large investment.
  • And in the winter, it is worth taking care of additional lighting of the space, since snow can block the flow of natural daylight through window openings.

Material selection

Building a house with an attic has its own clear algorithm of actions, following which you can get a high-quality work in the shortest possible time and at the lowest cost.

So, there is the following list of steps that will help to build a quality attic:

  • The defining starting point in the creation process will be the drawing up of a project plan for construction. All the basic nuances of the future construction should be noted here.
  • The second stage is advisable in the case when the attic is attached to an already finished building. In this case, it is necessary to dismantle the old roof, which will subsequently allow construction work to be carried out for finishing.

  • Next, it is necessary to strengthen the floor, as well as the foundation, if required by the project. At the same stage, walls on the lower floor should be strengthened, this will also help to avoid the collapse of the building when its maximum permissible weight is exceeded.
  • After that, you can go directly to the construction of the walls. Here it is necessary to verify each centimeter, clearly understanding what result you need to reach in the final.

  • As soon as the construction of the walls is completed, you can proceed to the construction of the roof and ceilings. After the roof falls into place, at the same stage it is necessary to create hydro and thermal insulation.

Here you need to use the highest quality materials, since not only the safety of things located in the attic, but also the general temperature of the whole house, with the correct organization of the insulating material, you can significantly save on heating the house.

You also need to take care of the interior decoration of the room. Most often, wood panels or other materials of suitable properties and textures are used.

  • After the roof is ready, you can do the installation of window structures, if required by the initial plan project. They can be either inclined or straight, depending on the design solution, however, they must be installed as correctly as possible and equipped with airtight mounts that do not allow cold air into the space.
  • Well, the final stage in the construction will be the implementation of internal finishing work and the arrangement of furniture in accordance with the plan.

Following this simple list of steps, you can get a reliable and durable building that meets all even the most unusual needs of residents.

One of the most difficult stages is the creation of a project plan, since it is the development of the plan that includes the most complex process of selecting materials.

Properly selected materials for the attic should meet the following basic requirements:

  • They must be durable. After all, the building should maintain its original state for many, many years, since the house is still a long-lasting building, and it is too expensive and impractical to engage in restructuring once every 5-6 years.
  • In addition to durability, the selected material should also be light enough not to create additional load on the foundation, especially if it was not initially strengthened. In addition, there are materials that can reduce the load on the base and lower floors.

Since the process of erecting the first stage determines the construction of walls, the choice of material for them is a priority. So,   most often a bar or a tree is used for walls. This choice is due to the fact that often a cottage or a village house is built of logs or log houses, which are the most popular materials for houses of this kind.

Besides, it is advisable to use aerated concrete or gas silicate blocks. Such material is lighter than standard concrete, and the construction process is quite simple. For the construction of separating thin partitions inside the attic, it is better to use ordinary drywall, which also belongs to the category of lightweight materials for construction.

Next, you need to determine the material that can be used to warm the space being built. The most common option is mineral wool or polystyrene foam.. It is also quite lightweight materials, the use of which does not require large financial costs, and at the same time they are easy to fix, and the insulation effect will be quite high.

In some cases, they use the most common sheet foam with sufficient thickness, it is also able to protect the room from too serious a decrease in temperature.

There are two basic requirements for interior decoration material. It must be non-combustible, and also have a high degree of waterproofing, it is this factor that will protect the room from the negative effects of moisture from the street, and its ingress.

Here you can use special plastic panels or drywall for wall decoration.

When choosing a roofing material, it is necessary to take into account the fact that it must have excellent water-repellent impregnation, which will also help protect against leaks and damage to the interior of the attic.

The roofing material can be selected based on personal preferences and, of course, the color preferences of the owner of the house. So, you can stop the choice on metal tiles or sheets of corrugated board.

Ideas for different sizes

It’s worth starting construction only with a clear construction plan, a blueprint for the future home indicating the exact dimensions, the materials chosen, the layout of the furniture and, if necessary, partitions that divide the attic into several rooms.

Today, in the construction market, you can easily find ready-made standard designs of houses with attics for completely different sizes and purposes. So, usually in the attic there is a cozy study or reading area, a billiard room or a gym, a relaxation area or bedroom will also be an excellent option. The bedroom looks especially interesting, because the sloping ceilings and sloping windows add special romance and special charm to the room.

If you plan to independently develop a plan, it is advisable to use special computer programs, they will help to make more accurate calculations and immediately see a variant of the final result, which will help evaluate it already in the process of developing the layout.

If you turn to specialists and choose a ready-made plan in the market, you can come across projects for houses with the following overall dimensions of the frame: 6x6, 7x8, 6x9, 8x8, 10x10, 10 by 12, 6x4, 6x7 m.

However, among them it is possible to single out the options that are most in demand, for them there are also some features and rules.

Typical one-storey house with dimensions of 6x6 m- This is a great example of a small garden house or a summer cottage in a summer cottage. The area of \u200b\u200bthis option will be a total of about 50 square meters.

Among the advantages of this option, the following important aspects can be distinguished:

  • Firstly, these dimensions will be quite enough for the rest of an ordinary average family.
  • Secondly, this option is the least expensive financially, since it requires less material consumption, and the plan itself will be cheaper.

  • If the land area is small, it is a house of this size that will help to save usable area for planting plants or arranging a personal garden area.
  • Another plus can be considered that such a house will initially require less heating and other utility costs.

You can also highlight some tips that will help expand the space and add comfort to the finished house. So, for example, to save useful space, you can easily combine some functional areas in one room. It is advisable to combine the bathroom and toilet, it’s not necessary to install a full bath, you can restrict yourself to a quality shower, which due to its design will create the effect of different zones.

Also can connect the kitchen and dining room or living room. This will also save space, and with proper planning and arrangement of furniture will bring comfort to the room.

If you organize the correct storage area in the hallway, you can avoid cluttering other functional areas, which will also help expand the usable space.

House size 9x9 mit is also a fairly popular and sought-after layout option. It is already advisable to complete the 2 floors. The foundation of such a house is initially stronger and able to withstand heavy loads than the foundation of 6x6 m.

The classic distribution of functional areas in a house of 150 square meters and with a layout of 9x9 m is as follows: on the ground floor they most often have an entrance hall, a bathroom, a kitchen, a living room, and also, if desired, one bedroom, in principle, the first floor is a standard set of the most necessary rooms. On the second floor, you can place several guest rooms or an additional bedroom, study, gym, library, games room and other spaces at the request of the tenant.

In addition, such a house usually involves a narrow porch and balcony, this will help to visually lengthen the space, especially if the porch and the ledge of the balcony are connected by beams.

This construction option is also suitable for an average family, but guests can easily accommodate here. Utilities also do not require large expenses. Besides, If you choose the right insulation materials, you can significantly save on heating.

For the construction of a cottage, the most popular size is a 10x10 m. It can be used both for the construction of one-story and three-story structures.

Here you can give free rein to imagination and think over the location of functional zones in completely different combinations and options.

It is this size that is most often used in construction. This is due to the fact that the exterior of the house is quite small and fits easily on any average site, while the internal capacity is quite high.

Here you can place several bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, a bathroom, a dining room, a library and any other necessary premises. In addition, if such a house will have more than one floor, with the proper organization of the stairs, you can organize storage places right on the steps, which will significantly save space and help to avoid cluttering it.

Choosing this layout option, you need to consider some features. So, for example, on each floor it is necessary to arrange a separate toilet room, as well as take care of a place for a boiler room, which will help save money on utility bills.

Besides, taking into account the larger area and number of storeys, it is important to further strengthen the foundation of the housesignificantly strengthen the ceilings and walls of the lower floors, as well as take care of special waterproofing impregnation or a layer of material for the roof space.

However, when choosing any of the above sizes, it is worth remembering that a staircase must lead to the attic; Of course, there are options when there is a hatch in the ceiling through which they fall into the attic via a ladder, but this is not the most convenient option. So, if it is planned to erect a full-fledged staircase leading to the attic floor, it is important to initially include this building in the plan project.

The staircase should not prevent the opening or closing of doors, block passages or otherwise hamper movement in the house.

Popular Design Options

The layout of the attic room has a rather complicated shape for the arrangement of residential premises. The slope of the roof, the special shape of the windows, the presence of beams and a special interior decoration - all this dictates special options for the design of the room. This can be both a plus and a minus.

So, the attic is always a fairly secluded space, movement throughout the entire territory to its full height is quite limited, but at the same time you can create a unique romantic design. Sometimes turn a dirty and cluttered space into a magic corner for sleeping, working, relaxing or other activities.

The choice of the purpose of the future room will be largely determined by the angle of inclination of the ceiling group, as well as the location of the windows. One of the most common options for arranging a room with the lowest possible ceilings is to place a bedroom there.

This choice is due to the fact that, being in the bedroom, a person is in a horizontal position for a greater amount of time, which means that the uneven distribution of the ceiling will not affect the convenience of being in this space. On the contrary, low ceilings will add romance and intimacy to the bedroom, and slanted windows will allow you to admire the starry sky, which will add even more charm to a secluded corner for lovers.

The design of the space usually occurs using the classic style. Simple furniture, bright colors will help visually expand the space. When choosing materials, you must remember: if the space has very small dimensions, it is better to abandon large prints and too dark colors. If you want to add dark colors, it is better to limit yourself to some small dark accents.

It is better to start the interior arrangement with the most necessary large pieces of furniture, such as a bed and a chest of drawers, or a closet for linen, if there is still space, you can supplement the composition with bedside tables, armchairs or other necessary elements.

With very low ceilings, you can create a Japanese-style bedroom, a tatami bed, which will be located almost on the floor, light colors and a minimum of furniture will help create a comfortable and at the same time bright interior.

One of the simplest solutions is the arrangement in the attic of the living room. but too low ceilings will not allow you to create the right interior. It is better to place the living room in a sufficiently large room, where the ceilings have a greater rise than in the bedroom.

The living room initially involves more movement and furniture, because the ceiling height here has a dominant role.

Light colors in the decoration, light or transparent furniture, windows with a bay window - all this will provide air and additional light in space.

When selecting accessories, it is necessary to ensure that they are designed in the same style, otherwise the integrity of the room will disappear, and all efforts will be meaningless.

When creating the perfect living room, you can turn to various design decisions and choose a style that will be in harmony with the rest of the rooms in the house.

The following styles are most widely used:

  • Classic. The most sophisticated option that does not lose its popularity. Luxurious, but at the same time elegant furniture, soft deep colors, a full-fledged chandelier, heavy curtains - these will become the hallmarks of a classic-style living room. The use of corner sofas can also be considered a characteristic feature of the classic interior.

  • Provencehelp create a gentle and romantic atmosphere in the attic of a frame house. Light natural shades, floral prints, light furniture made from natural materials, these elements are able to create a space in the style of Provence. This option will be a great solution for a house with a veranda.
  • High techrequire the so-called shine. Chrome and steel parts, other elements with a reference to technological progress will add a twist and create a binding to a specific style decision.

  • In addition, it is popular. minimalism style, since the space is usually small, a minimum of furniture, the absence of massive decorations and excessively large bright spots will be an excellent solution for this kind of room.

Under the roof you can also place a kitchen or dining room. However, this project cannot be carried out spontaneously, the layout should be laid down during the initial design of the building, since the kitchen requires special communications. The supply of water, electricity, and, if necessary, also gas, requires special communication with the source of one or another good.

So, communication with the basement is most often required, because this is where the boiler room is often located, which will be the distribution center.

In addition, care must be taken to use only non-combustible materials in the interior decoration of the room, since the hob will be placed in that part of the room where the roof slant forms the lowest point. When choosing furniture, you can give preference to modules and options of L-shaped blocks, which will help create the most convenient working space, and also do not overload the room.

In the process of constructing a mansard room for the kitchen, it is necessary to immediately think over rather large windowsbecause natural light will be the best option for such a space.

The uneven height of the ceilings and the reliefs of the walls can be a great help for creating the perfect interior for a child’s room, this gives additional decoration possibilities. You can define several functional areas for the game, for study, for sleep.

In addition, highly located sloping windows are the safest option for a nursery, and the ceiling height will not hamper the movements of its small owner, it will have its own world, into which adults have been ordered.

Often the attic becomes a full library or office. Perhaps this is due to the solitude and comfort that can be obtained from this space. The arrangement of shelving with books on the walls, a comfortable armchair, a good lamp - this is what an ideal library consists of, and if you add here also a table, you get a full-fledged office for work.

You can equip the space under the roof for the dressing room, this will help to save space in the house, get rid of bulky cabinets. Here you can place racks for shoes, a wardrobe for clothes and linen, as well as place several large mirrors in front of which you can turn around, dressing in one or another outfit from the wardrobe.

How to calculate everything?

The calculation of the roof under the attic has its own characteristics, it is much higher than usual, which means that it requires more detailed and special calculations. Together with the height of the roof, the ramp angle and the height of the ridge increase. A detailed plan will help to avoid mistakes - a drawing of the roof structure, but it is better to entrust the calculations to professionals. or use a special online calculator, which is designed to help make the right calculations.

Calculations must begin with determining the total area of \u200b\u200bthe attic. This indicator will directly depend on the total area of \u200b\u200bthe house, as well as on the design features of the roof.

The attic area will consist of two main indicators. These include the useful zone and the so-called dead zone. It is logical that a useful zone is simply a place where you can move more conveniently less, which means, as a rule, the middle of the room, you can also call a useful zone all the places where the wall height will exceed 90 centimeters. To the dead zone, respectively, include lower rates.

These zones are usually used to store things and place any low furniture, because the movement of people in them is extremely inconvenient, and sometimes even impossible.

Therefore, at the planning stage, the roof slope must be distributed so that there are as few dead zones as possible, a specialist architect or an online calculator can also help here.

To obtain the most accurate calculation using the program, you must enter the roof slope, the number of slopes, as well as the selected roof shape in the fields presented.

To date, the following options for the shape of the roof are determined:

  • Pitched roof. The simplest design, it is created using roofing on walls that are at different heights. However, despite the fact that this is one of the cheapest models, using it for the attic is not the best solution, since with such a placement, a too large blind zone is obtained.

  • Gable. No less simple and economical option, but much more suitable for a typical attic, since such a roof forms a fairly high middle part.
  • Hip Type Roof. This option is most suitable for homes with a large area. In addition, it is well resistant to winds and other elemental influences, which turns the hip version into the most preferred and safest.

In addition to these standard designs, some of their varieties are also used, their choice will depend on the purpose of the building, as well as on its shape and size. So for hangars, semicircular roofs are used, for large square houses, tent roofs.

So, having decided on the type of roof, you can proceed to the basic calculations.

The following indicators will participate in them:

  • Roof ridge height. This is the highest point of the roof, which is used in the construction, for example, for a gable roof, the height of the ridge will be the measurement of the height to the highest midpoint. And the room in the project of the house with a pitched roof will have the highest point from the side of the higher wall.

  • Roof weight. This is the second indicator, which is also worth considering when calculating. This item is calculated using the sum of the specific gravity of 1 square weight of the roof, insulation, elements of the rafter system, as well as interior decoration. According to the rules, the weight should not exceed the figure of 50 kilograms per 1 square meter.
  • The total area of \u200b\u200bthe roof slopes. Here, to determine the indicator, it is necessary to multiply the length by the width of the roof surface. If the roof consists of several slopes and elements, it is necessary to calculate the perimeter of each element of the roof, and then add the result.

The obtained measurements must be entered in the same cells of the online calculator and get the calculations necessary for construction. but do not unconditionally trust the online assistant, most often this calculation is approximate, and it’s possible to buy the necessary amount of materials, better than a professional architect, no one can do the exact calculation.

We create a harmony of interior and exterior

To get a harmonious interior and exterior of the attic, you must carefully select the materials and correctly combine them with each other. So, outside the attic should have a cladding of the same material as the whole house, otherwise it will stand out, creating a dissonance in the appearance of not only the attic, but also the whole house.

Inside, beautiful interiors will depend on the correct selection of finishing materials.

In the decoration of the ceiling, it is important to take into account the nuances of the structure, the quality and type of roof, the shape of the roof. It is best to opt for drywall sheets or wall paneling.   These materials are not only suitable for almost any chosen design option, since they can be painted, glued and fastened with various decorative elements, but also have additional waterproofing, which is an excellent option for attic decoration.

A great option for the ceiling is also wallpapering, but it’s better to first sew up the ceiling with sheets of drywall, so gluing will be more convenient and simpler than on the rough finish of the interior of the roof.

Most often used in wall decoration. Lining or wood panels create not only a unique interior, but also a connection with the exterior decoration of the house, which, of course, is an interesting solution.

If you want to create a more classic interior, you can wallpaper the walls, but here you need to remember that a too dark color can conceal the volume of the room, and attics, and so on, are usually small. Therefore, it is better to opt for white or beige options.

Special requirements are also imposed on the floor, it is called in the case of unpleasant incidents with the attic in the form, for example, flooding during rain, to create additional protection for the lower floor. Therefore, in addition to the finish, which will create the appearance, it is also necessary to take care of the internal heat, noise and waterproofing. But on top you can use various wooden coatings, parquet or laminate is a good optionThere is also a kind of flooring. You can put a fluffy carpet on the floor.

The harmony of the internal and external appearance of the attic can be achieved with the help of correctly selected windows. One of the distinguishing features of the attic is the presence of a large amount of natural light, so windows are almost a priority waste in the construction of the attic.

If there is a desire to place not one but several windows in a room, it is worth choosing one wall and installing them on it.

Windows can have completely different sizes, however, it is worth remembering that the maximum size of the window will depend on the length of the roof slope, because it cannot exceed this measurement.

Today on the market there are several window options for attics:

  • Vertical - a standard option, which is installed in a straight wall of the attic, as a rule, it is located from the face or end of the house.
  • Slopes are installed directly in the roof slope, which allows you to get an interesting effect.
  • In addition, there is an option for windows for flat roofs.

All windows can be made of various materials, can be equipped with a different number of leaves and can be installed in different planes, ideally combining the interior decoration of the room with its external arrangement.

Spectacular examples for inspiration.

The design of a country house with an attic can be done in the same color, or combine several different shades, the main thing is that they match in tone. Highlighting the attic with a different shade will help create a special effect.

The cottage or garden house of the attic type most often has a gable roof and a pronounced slope of a triangular shape, the use of dark wood beams for decoration will help to emphasize the shape of the roof and its uniqueness.

In private areas you can often find a cottage with an attic, which goes onto a ledge with a balcony, such a move is also able to create an interesting effect, especially in combination with a porch, which are combined into a single group using wooden columns.

Attic houses are the embodiment of a comfortable and pleasant country life. Such cottages allow greater freedom in the choice of materials, design and layout of the house. In this article you will find the necessary recommendations, as well as projects of houses with an attic, free drawings and photos.

Features of the house with an attic

One of the most important features of a house with an attic is, since the upper part of the structure is subject to temperature differences. It is equally important to take care of the waterproofing of the room. Choose light materials for the attic floor. This also applies to interior decoration, and even furniture. Do not overload the foundation and walls due to the possible appearance of cracks.

It is best to form a small attic area with a single space, but if it is necessary to create internal partitions, it is worth giving preference to drywall. This material will not put additional load on the base of the house.

How to build a house with an attic?

When creating a house project with an attic, it is necessary to take into account the features of this building. Subject to the following rules, you will receive a beautiful and reliable durable home.

  1. Calculation of additional load. You can not arbitrarily attach the attic to a one-story house, as this will entail cracks with the subsequent destruction of the base. If you decide to finish attic building on existing walls, take care of their strengthening.
  2. Attic height calculation. The minimum height from floor to ceiling is 2.5 m.
  3. Correct roof construction. When designing it, it should be noted that the gable structure will add only 67% of the base area of \u200b\u200bthe house. The so-called "broken" roof will add about 90% of the ground floor area. But the rise of the roof by 1.5 m can increase the area by 100%.
  4. Foresee communication communications   between the base and the attic;
  5. Think over layout   places for windows;
  6. It is very important to comply fire protection requirementsattic evacuation plan.

Projects of a one-story house with an attic: drawings and photos

In one-story houses, the attic most often acts as a workshop or. Often at this level they have a bedroom, which is due to a comfortable location in a room with low ceilings, as well as additional insulation and beautiful views of the starry sky from the windows. We have selected the 10 best designs of houses with an attic, below are free drawings and photos, as well as their description.

Project No. 1. The project of this house provides a functional room at the attic level, which houses a bedroom, a bathroom and two additional rooms, which, at your discretion, can be arranged for living rooms or children. A cozy frame house involves the implementation of brick and expanded clay concrete. Large windows make the interior of the house well-lit. The building fully meets all the requirements of a residential building.

Project No. 2. A cozy eco-style cottage with a large dining-living room on the ground floor. The project allows you to place in the attic three rooms, a bathroom and a small hall, as well as access to the balcony. A convenient wide staircase is provided. On the ground floor there is also a second exit to the veranda. Such a house is perfect for a large family for a comfortable rural vacation.

Project No. 3. A small and at the same time functional one-story house with a living-dining room and an office on the ground floor. The attic space occupies three adjacent rooms and a bathroom. The bay window in the living room and the skylight with a flat roof add to the simple form of the building. The house is perfect for both leisure and work.

Project No. 4. Compact house in a rustic style. On the ground floor there is a living room with a dining area, a kitchen and a toilet. The attic can be accessed via a convenient wide staircase. It has three bedrooms and a bathroom.

Project No. 5. Functional one-storey house with an attic suitable for a large family. The project provides for a spacious dining room, study, bathroom and kitchen on the ground floor, as well as three adjoining rooms and a bathroom on the attic level. The shape of the house is complemented by a bay window on the ground floor in the living-dining room and access to the balcony, as well as a window with another additional balcony and a gable roof.

Project No. 6. The budget project of a house with an attic is perfect for life and relaxation. On the ground floor there is a large spacious living room (48.6 m2), which can simultaneously act as a dining room. In the attic there are three bedrooms, a bathroom and a spacious balcony.

Project №7. A simple one-story house with a functional layout designed for a family of five. The simple form is complemented by a bay window and a balcony. Entrance through the entrance leads to the hall, where there is a staircase to the attic and doors to all the premises of the first floor: living room, bathroom, kitchen and children's room. At the attic level - three bedrooms, a spacious bathroom, as well as two dressing rooms, one of which adjoins the large bedroom.

Project №8. By choosing a house project with an attic and a garage, you will save money on construction work by combining capital walls. In addition, the “two in one” solution reduces the cost of heating the garage thanks to the warm walls of the house. And besides, there is no need to go outside in bad weather to get into the garage - the main part of the house is connected to the garage through the pantry. Large windows make the house bright, and two small terraces will contribute to a pleasant rest in the air.

Project No. 9. The project of this cozy house provides for the installation of a twin house in a mirror design. A distinctive feature of this simple building is the roof of the garage, which runs above the entrance terrace and is supported by three wooden beams. Exterior decoration of the house stands out with a wooden frame of classic window openings. On the ground floor there is a living room, a kitchen combined with a dining room, and a bathroom, an attic level is occupied by two bedrooms and a bathroom.

The garage is directly connected to the house with a folding ladder, which saves space for storing tools and other necessary things.

Two-story houses with an attic have a presentable appearance. Such houses are designed for a comfortable suburban or country vacation. As a rule, the layout of a two-story house with an attic provides for the arrangement of common rooms on the first level (this can be a living room, dining room, kitchen), and personal apartments on the second floor (master bedrooms, bathroom, children). When choosing materials, you can stay on concrete, brick or wood. Combined options are possible, where one floor is made of timber, and the other is made of brick. Below is presented project number 10final in our selection.

Houses with an attic and a terrace are an excellent choice for a capital and a country house. The attic will allow you to organize additional space for living or storing things, a covered terrace will be a place for a quiet rest, reading books, games or feasts. Depending on the arrangement, these two rooms will make it possible to free up the main area of \u200b\u200bthe house and relieve it functionally.


Building a house with an attic and a terrace is associated with the solution of certain problems. The attic is a room directly under the roof of the house, so for a comfortable organization of living space it is worth considering ventilation, heat and waterproofing.

This eliminates the need to eliminate the consequences of excessive condensation inside, installation of additional batteries, drafts.

Since the weight of the finishing of the roof, interior and furniture will exert their pressure on the foundation of the house, this must be taken into account at the planning stage.

If the thought of a residential attic arose later, it is better to give preference to lightweight materials. In the case when the attic area needs to be divided, drywall is suitable for partitions: it is light and easy to use. The living room, bedroom or study on the attic require the installation of windows not only at the ends of the roof, but also on inclined surfaces.

The height of the roof and its shape is another feature of the house with an attic. This is due to the fact that for a comfortable stay, the ceilings should be high, about 2 meters in at least half of the room. A roof hanging over your head, made at an acute angle, will create discomfort when you are in the room, in addition, there will be difficulties with its arrangement.

Having preferred the attic, instead of a full second floor, you need to remember that it has a smaller area, complicated by the construction of a complex roof configuration. However, the house will definitely look more unusual, original and even cozy.

The subtleties of construction


Materials are an important component of construction. The main thing is to choose from which to build the house itself. The main factors on which the choice depends are:

  • Construction cost. It is worth making a detailed estimate to understand what you can save on or which schemes to use to reduce costs.
  • Planned speed of work.
  • Exterior finish. Building a house, for example, from foam blocks, will certainly require making it more attractive.
  • Location of the plot for construction and the construction itself. Uneven terrain, a house or part of it on a slope, the presence of nearby water sources and other factors limit the choice of materials.

The most popular material for construction is wood. Wooden house   - A great choice for cold regions. Naturalness is its main advantage. This house is comfortable and cozy. It is erected quickly enough, but compliance with wood processing techniques and construction technologies are mandatory.

A significant drawback is the need to wait time for shrinkage of the log house, at least six months, depending on climate, wood moisture. During this period, it is undesirable to engage in decoration and other works.

Replaced stone brick house- very durable, warm, fireproof, not changing appearance under the influence of external factors.

You can build from it at any time of the year, as well as change the project during the construction period.

Brick serves up to 150 years, without requiring additional care. The ceramic block has similar properties - a modern and cheaper option.

Wireframe technology   construction - an option for those who are urgent. Perfect for a country house. Manufacturers offer frames made of wood and metal, for self-assembly and ready-made. The walls are made of sandwich panels (PVC or particleboard and insulation).

You can quickly build a house from porous blocks - foam concrete and aerated concrete. With a thickness of about 40 cm, they retain heat well, they are easy to use, cut. The size of the blocks speeds up the construction of even a large house.

Project selection

The layout of the house is the key to the full use of each square meter of the future building. There are various designs of houses, differing in area, type of foundation, suggesting various external types of attics and terraces. You can develop a project yourself or use ready-made options. Most often they offer houses with an area of:

  • 6x6 sq. mA small country house in which there is a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen and a living room, they have more space. The number of corridors is minimal. The attic is usually intended for a nursery or resting place, has one or two rooms.

  • 9x9 sq. m   There are more opportunities for organizing the first floor. Large kitchen and dining room, next to which is a living room. A small corridor to the bedroom and bathroom. Staircase with lounge for greater convenience. The second floor can be divided into rooms: a nursery and an office, a small bathroom. Or a playroom for children and a relaxation room with billiards for adults.

  • 8x10 square meters m. An attic house of such an oblong shape is characterized by the placement of rooms along a long corridor or around the hall. On both floors, you can organize two bedrooms, on the first floor to place the combined kitchen and living room. A full-size bathroom can be made alone.

  • 10x10 square meters m   Typically, such houses are built for large families, so it will be rational to make a spacious kitchen and dining room, several bathrooms. Place the main bedroom and dressing room on the ground floor, in the attic to make a nursery (one or two) or a guest. In such an area, the choice of the purpose of the rooms depends on the residents, their needs for a particular room.

The terrace can be either on a common foundation, or built separately, depending on its intended functionality. Its fencing, the presence of a roof and the area depend on this. If it is supposed to organize a place for cooking and eating food, then under the terrace it’s worth making a foundation common with the house so that it can withstand a large load.

If this open space will be for games, relaxation with a book or made only for beauty, then it is enough to build a lightweight structure of wood based on poles or piles. The attic can be done under a gable or sloping roof. Choosing the latter will provide a large area of \u200b\u200bthe room inside, but this option will cost more.


Having finished the construction of the house with an attic and a terrace, it remains to consider the decor of the premises. For the terrace, the best choice is furniture suitable for the street: from plastic or wood. Colors should be selected for the exterior of the house, with bright accents.

For the attic, it is better to select furniture that corresponds to the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. It should be low so as not to reduce the space. Cabinets are better placed along the walls, open shelves divided into zones. Light shades of the walls and ceiling will expand the room.

It is better not to get carried away with ornaments and patterns, leaving them for a modest decor. The more inconspicuous and airy filling, the more spacious. Country style, chalet, Provence - great options for arranging the interior.

Modern Design Ideas

Currently, many designers offer non-standard options for the appearance of houses and their arrangement. For example, you can often find houses with a balcony.

The presence of a balcony allows you to enjoy the nature around, gives you the opportunity to breathe fresh air without leaving your home.

It can be equipped as an extension, provided for during the construction of the second floor by laying longer beams, or use the roof of the capital terrace as a base. It can be made glazed or open.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe balcony may also vary. In country houses, open balconies with baluster railings are preferred.

The innovation of the modern design of the house with a terrace and an attic is a two-sided hearth. It is installed in such a way that one side is located on the outside of the house - the terrace, the second - inside. A great option for those who make a capital veranda. The fireplace can be turned into a stove for cooking, while at the same time giving coziness to the living room or bedroom in the house.

An unusual solution for the owners of a small area, on which there is not enough space for a full bath, will be the steam room device in the house itself. The room under it should be made at least 2x2 square meters in size and near the bathroom. You can take the Finnish house project as the basis, it was the Scandinavian designers who were among the first to use the idea with a sauna in the house.

The attic room is of various shapes and sizes, to make it a pleasant and comfortable living space, first of all, it is necessary to evaluate all its advantages and disadvantages. First you need to calculate the usable area, understand how to use each meter. If the area is small, then it is better not to divide it into separate rooms by blank partitions. Functional zones are best identified visually. The presence of rafters will greatly facilitate this process: they can be used as the basis for shelves or mezzanines dividing the space.

Equally important are the windows. If they have already been installed, then, depending on their location, you can understand where, for example, there will be a work area or a game room - they need more light, and where is the bathroom or bedroom. If the roof is dull, open space for action, and the windows are mounted in the necessary places.